Thursday, March 19, 2009

Semi Final – Match 1

Foo fans gathered in the BTP cafeteria yesterday to witness the showdown between the furious It’s All Skill and the skilled Foorious.

It’s All Skill conquered Foorious 5-2, 5-4 with Vipin scoring 7 sleek goals and determined Sapna defending the goal post.

Foorious put up a good fight, especially in the second set with both Roopesh and Nidhi scoring 3 goals each.

The match certainly lasted longer than it was expected to! However, It’s All Skill were the winners of the day with Vipin being the high-scorer of the game. So we have our first finalists - It's All Skill!!

Now for the next Semi-Final match…we can’t have that today because one of the players is absconding :P We will have it as soon as he has been restored to health.

In the meantime, keep checking the blog for updates!

And keep the Foo spirit alive!!!

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